Friday, December 13, 2019

Weblogic Server Failed to Start: Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid

Weblogic Server Startup failed: Caused By: Authentication denied: Boot identity not valid

Server Fails to Start with Error, BEA-090402 - Authentication Denied: Boot Identity Not Valid, after Changing Password

Edit the file at <ORACLE_WLS_HOME>/wlserver_10.3/samples/domains/wl_server/servers/examplesServer/security/, override the encrypted password and replace it with the new one in clear text, for example, in our case, "manager":

# Generated by Configuration Wizard on Thu Sep 25 12:49:49 EDT 2008

If it is not resolved!..  You can start the server without file.
Try starting with the below single command

java -Dweblogic.system.StoreBootIdentity=true -Dweblogic.Name=AdminServer weblogic.Server

1 comment:

Manish said...


After starting Weblogic directly, it will ask the below question
Would you like the server to create a default configuration and boot? (y/n):
if choose yes then it will delete all managed servers or we choose No then get an error.